Cabinet Pro and Door Pro Software
Providing Design and Manufacturing Software for the Cabinet and Door Industries since 1986
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Cabinets & Construction Methods
(Scroll down for more videos)
How to Make a Cabinet with a Slanted Top
Cabinet Pro Software allows flexibility in the creation of angled cabinets to fit under a slanted ceiling. Some options include: (1) having the cabinet top elongated and angled to connect the two unfinished ends, (2) extending the back to cover the cavity created by the raised ends, (3) adding a front cover that is also angled to cover the front cavity, and (4) adding a frame rail to trim the slanted top.
How to Make a Horseshoe Drawer Box
Cabinet Pro Software allows you to customize each part of a drawer box. This unique feature is especially useful when creating under the sink drawer boxes.
Frameless & Face Frame Cabinets
Cabinet Pro supports both face frame and frameless cabinets.
Face Frame Construction
Face Frame Construction with Cabinet Pro.
Custom Face Frame Cabinets
Cabinet Pro Design Software allows the making of long custom cabinets under a single face frame, where one section may be a drawer bank, another a sink unit, etc. Section views and exploded views are available as well.
Custom Frameless Cabinets
Shows some of the custom features allowed within Cabinet Pro for the design and manufacture of frameless cabinets.
Combining Cabinets Under One Faceframe
Demonstrates one of Cabinet Pro's features of being able to combine modular cabinets made on the floor plan into a single cabinet.
Angled, Radius, and Corner Cabinets
Shows options when building clipped and radius corners, angled cabinets, angled faceframes, and corner cabinets.
Modular Cabinets
Cabinet Pro supports both custom and modular cabinets.
Automatic Placement of Finished Ends
Cabinet Pro inspects the floorplan and automatically assigns finished ends to appropriate cabinets.
Re-Facing Cabinets
Cabinet Pro's Refacing Module allows refacing of existing cabinets.
Custom Vertical Partitions (In Depth)
Custom Cabinetry requires total control of each vertical partition placed in a cabinet. Cabinet Pro allows this control in its Cabinet Editor.
Edge Banding and Laminate
Each side of each part in every cabinet may be edgebanded by a different thickness of Edgebanding. The CNC machining is automatically adjusted for edgebanding during processing.
Blind Dado Construction
Explores how Blind Dado construction is supported in Cabinet Pro Software.
Grain Matching
Grain Match doors and drawers for optimization and CNC processing.
ADA Cabinets
How Cabinet Pro software supports and builds ADA Cabinets.

No video exists for Closets because their construction is exactly the same as is described in the various videos shown on this screen. The closet above was made with Cabinet Pro. Please see the Product Description of Cabinet Pro to view its full capabilities.